1. Click on ‘Slider Revolution’ on the Wordpress page.

  1. Click on the slider shown in the Slider Revolution page and click ’Duplicate’ to clone the slide.

  1. After pressing the Slide BG Animation’s ‘file’ button, it will show the source at the right side of the page.

  2. Click the "media library" to upload and replace your background image.
    *Recommended background image size is 1920px (width) x 650px (height).

  1. Click on the ‘text’ or ‘element’ you want to edit.

  1. You can edit the content text here.

  1. You can click on the ‘Style’ to edit the text styling.

1. Font size.

2. Line height (height between each line, needs to be the same or greater than font size).

3. Font Weight (ex. Normal or Bold).

4. Font Type.

5. Font Color.

  1. You can click on the ‘Size & Pos’ for content positioning.

6. Text position from left to right.

7. Text position from top to bottom.

  1. Do the same for ‘button’ too, can change the text at the right side of the page.

  1. After click the ‘Action’ button, there will be a pop up window.

  2. Then press the ‘Simple Link’.

  3. You can change the Link URL with the latest one.

  1. Click ‘save’ after editing the slide.


  1. For Mobile view, you can press the icon ‘phone’ above and click on mobile to view the range and size of mobile view.

  2. You can see two blue lines on the page and try to cover the text inside the two lines to prevent overlapping in the mobile screen.

  1. This shows the preview of the mobile view which the text is overlapping the screen.

  1. After edit all the text between the two blue lines, the mobile view will be seems normal and tidy