1.   Navigate to your server or CPanel

Create Database

  1. Click "MySQL® Databases"

  2. Click the "New Database:" field. You may put any random name for the database and click "Create Database"

  3. Once Database created, click Click "Go Back"

  4. Now scroll down and create a username for the database and set password.  Please make you

  5. Click on "Create User"

  6. Please make sure the password is in high strength and keep the password in your notepad.

  7. Once Database Username created, click Click "Go Back"

  8. Scroll down to "Add User To Database" section, link both database & database username that you have created. and click "Add"

  9. Click the "ALL PRIVILEGES"

  10. Click on "Make changes"

  11. Once done, you may Click "Go Back"

Upload Wordpress File

  1. Click "Domains"

  2.  Click on the domain or subdomain Root Document where you wish to install Wordpress.

  3. Click "Upload" to upload wordpress zip file where you can get it from https://wordpress.org/download/

  4. Upload the latest Wordpress version

  5. Once done upload, you may click on "Go Back"

  6. Right-click & extract the zip file

  7. Now the wordpress core files will be extracted on "Wordpress" folder. Double-click on the folder to open it.

  8. Click "Select All"

  9. Click "Move"

  10. Click the "Current Path:" field and move the files to the Root Document path as below.

  11. Right click on "wp-config-sample.php" and click "edit"

12. copy the fill code.

13. Now, click on "+ File"

14. create a new file with the name. wp-config.php

15. click on "Edit" on wp-config.php file. 

16. paste the code copied from point #12

17. Populate the wp-config.php file with your database information

Now that the wp-config-sample.php file is open in the Code Editor, it is time to start adding your database information…

Locate the line that reads “define(DB_NAMEdatabase_name_here);” and add your database name.

Locate the line that reads “define(DB_USERusername_here);” and add your database username.

Locate the line that reads “define(DB_PASSWORD, password_here);” and add your database password.

18.Click "Save Changes"


Run the WordPress Installation Script

At this point you are all finished with the cPanel portion of this process… congrats!

Now it is time to run the WordPress Installation Script by visiting this link: https://example.com/wp-admin/install.php or the one provided on the PDF Cheat Sheet.

Once you have visited the link for the Installation Script, you will be brought to a page with the URL “https://example.com/wp-admin/install.php”. Replace the “example.com” with the address of the website you are creating. Hit Return/Enter on your keyboard and the install process will begin.

Once you have arrived at the next screen, select the language of choice for your WordPress install and click “continue”.

You will then be brought to a page prompting you to enter all of your website’s pertinent information such as the site title, your username, your password, and email address. If you are developing a new site at this address, it may also be a good idea to tick the box “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” so Google, Bing, etc. don’t index your site before it is populated with content and ready to launch.

Once you have filled in all of the information, hit “Install WordPress” and you are all finished! You will be asked to log in to your new site with your provided username and password and you can now begin to build your masterpiece ?