Click on the Active button to enable and click on the Set Up a Maintenance Mode Page option to get started.

After clicking the button to set up your maintenance mode page design, you’ll see various templates.

Just hover your mouse over any maintenance page design template you prefer and click the tick icon to launch it in the visual frontend page builder.

You’ll see the template on the right side of the drag-and-drop page builder. You can edit every template part by using the options on your left.

Customize Your Maintenance Mode Page

To change the maintenance mode message, click the message on the page and edit it using the inline editor.

Here you can enter a custom maintenance message explaining the downtime to your visitors. Clicking the Advanced tab in the left-hand panel will allow you to change the color, font, spacing, and text-shadow settings. 

Publish Your WordPress Maintenance Mode Page

Now you can hit the publish button so that your page goes live. To do that, click the dropdown arrow next to the Save button.

Then, go ahead and click Save & Publish.