
An email distribution list is essentially a feature of email client programs (such as MS Outlook) that allows users to maintain a list of email addresses and send messages to everyone in their address book simultaneously.

Most of the time, businesses need to send send email to multiple recipients at the same time. If you were to use traditional email methods, you would have to add all the recipients in the CC section.

This CC function does not always allow you to send an email to a very large number of email addresses. Additionally, you would have to manually enter each email address, which is a very time consuming process.

This is the case when you have to send an email to a set of people ONCE. But what happens when you want to send your email list emails on a regular basis?

How do you manage your email list in cpanel

1. Login to cpanel account.

2. Click on "Mailing List" in the Email section

3. Create New Mailing List

Select one of the following privacy options:

  • Private — Private archives exist for this mailing list. The administrator must approve subscriptions, and the Mailman interface does not display the mailing list.
  • Public — Public archives exist for this mailing list. The subscriptions are open and the Mailman interface displays the list.

4. Delegation assigns administrative rights to available users. Use arrows to add/exclude selected users from the list of administrators and click Save:

5. Now to manage the mailing list click on "Manage" and you will be redirected to a new page (point 6)


6. Click on "Membership Management" to add email address that you want to include in the mailing list.

7. Membership Management breakdown 

  1. "Membership List" - to view current members/emails in particulat mailing list
  2.  "Mass Subscription" - To add/update members
  3. "Mass Removal" - To remove members in bulk

8. Privacy options.

  1. Subscription rules: this section allows you to configure subscription and membership exposure policy
  2. Sender filters: this section contains the controls for moderation of both member and non-member postings
  3. Recipient filters: this section allows you to configure various filters based on the recipient of the message
  4. Spam filters: this section allows you to configure various anti-spam filters posting filters, which can help reduce the amount of spam your list members end up receiving

For more detail: Click Here