WooCommerce Points and Rewards allows you to reward customers for purchases and other actions with points that can be redeemed for discounts.

Easily set how many points customers will earn for each dollar spent and set how many points can be redeemed for a specific discount amount. Points can be set at the product, category, or global level, and you can also control the maximum discount available when redeeming points.



Go to > Dashboard > WooCommerce > Points & Rewards > Settings


1. Point Settings

  • Earn Points Conversion Rate – Set the number of points awarded based on the product price. For example, if you want customers to earn 1 point for every RM1 spent, enter 1 and 1. This can be modified at the category level, or on a per-product/variation level.


  • Earn Points Rounding Mode – Set how rounding of points should be performed; up, down, or to the nearest integer. E.g. if a user spent 2.50, rounded up or to the nearest integer this would be 3 points whereas down would be 2 points.



  • Redemption Conversion Rate – Set the value of points redeemed for a discount. This will determine the value of the points that customers earn that can be redeemed for a discount. For example, if you want customers to earn a RM1 discount for every 100 points, enter 100 and 1.


  • Partial Redemption – Enable to let users enter how many points they wish to redeem during cart/checkout.


  • Minimum Points Discount – Set the minimum amount a user’s points must add up to in order to redeem points. Leave blank to disable.


  • Maximum Points Discount – Set the maximum cart discount allowed when redeeming points. Use either a fixed monetary amount (preceded by a currency symbol, such as RM) or a percentage-based (followed by the % symbol) on the cart sub-total. Leave blank to disable. This can be overridden at the category and product level.


  • Maximum Product Points Discount – Set the maximum product discount allowed when redeeming points per-product. Use either a fixed monetary amount (preceded by a currency symbol, such as RM) or a percentage-based (followed by the % symbol) on the cart sub-total. Leave blank to disable. This can be overridden at the category and product level.


  • Tax Setting – Select whether points should be deducted based on pre-tax or post-tax price.


  • Points Label – This is the text used to refer to points on the frontend, in both the singular/plural. You can use this to create your own points “branding”, ie this might be “WooPoints”



  • Points Expire After – Set the period after which points expire once granted to a user.

2.Product/ Cart/ Checkout Messages



  • Single Product Page Message – Add an optional message to the single product page below the price.


  • Variable Product Page Message – Add an optional message to the variable product page below the price


  • Earn Points Cart/Checkout Page Message – Displayed on the cart and checkout page when points are earned. 


  • Redeem Points Cart/Checkout Page Message – Displayed on the cart and checkout page when points are available for redemption. 


  • Thank You / Order Received Page Message – Displayed on the thank you / order received page when points were earned. 



3. Points Earned for Actions

This section allows you to configure points awarded for core point-awarding actions as well as any actions provided by 3rd party plugins that integrate with the Points & Rewards plugin. The core actions include:

  • Points earned for account signup – Enter the amount of points earned when a customer signs up for a new account.
  • Points earned for writing a review – Enter the amount of points earned when a customer first writes a review for a given product.

4. Actions

  • Apply Points to Previous Orders – This will apply points to all previous orders that have not already had points assigned and cannot be reversed. This is most useful when first installing the plugin. Be absolutely certain that you want to apply points to past orders before using this!



Check Customer’s Point 
