1. Go to "Products" > "All Products".
2. Click on one of the products, e.g. 25th Jubilee HOGA Tea.
3. Scroll down and click on the "Inventory".
4. Tick on "Enable stock management at product level".
5. Add the stock available under the "Stock Quantity" field.
* This field is referring to the WooCommerce stock. Meaning that if your customer purchased a product directly from your website, the stock will be deducted from this field.
6. Under the "POS Master Stock" field, this is the stock quantity available for POS.
* This field is referring to the POS stock. Meaning that if your customer purchased a product from your outlet, the stock quantity will be deducted from this field.
* This field is the total number available for the POS, you will need to assign a different stock quantity to different outlets, refer to our guideline here, https://veecotech.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/22000268064.