1. Once the admin has created the PDF file and send the quote, the customer will be able to receive an email notification.

2. From here, the customer can choose either to "accept" / "reject" the quote. This article will demonstrate the flow of Rejecting a Quote.

3. If the customer has created an account before, they can also view it from your website. This will appear on https://example.com/my-account/ page.

4. Click on "view" to view the details.

5. They're able to see the quoted price here.

6. They can click on "Download PDF" too to get the PDF file.

7. Click on the "reject" button to reject the quote.

8. Then, the system will redirect them to this page to fill up the feedback/reasons.

9. Click "yes, I want to reject the quote".

10. System will show this message on the page.

11. Admin will receive an email notification regarding the rejecting quote.