You may Navigate to a single order that wish to add in tracking code

At your right corner, you will see a section named "Shipment Tracking"

  1. Choose Custom Provider for Malaysian Courier Service (ex: POSLAJU, NINJA VAN, DHL, etc)
  2. Provide Name: Key in the courier service company that you engage for shipping
  3. Tracking Number: Add in Tracking Number
  4. Tracking Link: Key in the tracking link which navigated to the courier service website tracking page
  5. Date Shipped: Choose the date the parcel is shipped
  6. Finally click on "Save" button

Once you have saved the shipping details. Go to Order Action at the right corner, below Shipment Tracking section.

You may Select "Email Invoice / Order Details to Customer"  and click on update button

Once the Order action has been updated, Customer will receive and email containing the tracking infomation and the products as below.